choosing a college

86 articles tagged with "choosing a college"

Catholic Education: For the Faithful Person You Want to Be

At Catholic colleges and universities, students thrive and succeed in every aspect of their lives. Consider a Catholic education in your college search process.

Director of Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness, University of St. Thomas

Choosing a University Based on Your Major and Minor

If you know what you want to study in college, choosing the right school just got easier. Here's how to choose based on your intended major or minor!

Founder, Campus Colors

5 Questions to Ask During Your Catholic College Search

As a Catholic student, you're likely figuring out how much you want your faith to factor into your college search. Here are five questions to guide you!


How Influential Is a Name-Brand College?

You may be wowed by the name recognition of certain institutions, but there are many other factors to consider when choosing a college. Learn more here.

by , and

Student Advice to Start Exploring Colleges and Majors

Are you ready to find the right school and the best-fit major for you? Start your search with advice from a real college student who's been there!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of Maryland, College Park

Finding a College Where You Belong

Finding a college that makes you feel like you belong is a long process, but it shouldn't be a scary one. Use this advice to guide you along your way!

Vice President of Enrollment Management, Stephens College

Our Best Advice on Making Your Final College Decision

Having trouble deciding where to spend the next four years? Here are our top articles on how to make your final college decision, all in one place.


Video: Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Schools

Do you have smaller colleges on your list? Before making your final decision, consider these advantages and disadvantages of attending a small school.


University Search: Thinking Beyond Rankings and Name Brands

Your international university list may only consist of schools with big names that you're familiar with. Read on to find out why that's a big mistake.

Director of International Admissions, The College of Wooster

Video: Top Tips on Making Your Final College Decision

Making your final decision on a college is a big step, and it's certainly not an easy one to make. Student vlogger Toni has some advice to help you out.


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