high school students

144 articles tagged with "high school students"

3 Practical Benefits of Taking a Gap Year Before College

A gap year is a great opportunity to gain experience, life skills, and clarity on your next steps after high school. Learn more about the benefits here.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Clean Up Your Social Media for College Admission

We have one more item for students to add to their college admission to-do lists: Clean up your social media! Here’s why it’s important and what to review.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Unique Extracurricular Activities for a Better College Application

Extracurriculars can give you an edge in college admission, but unique activities can really make your résumé stand out. Learn how to pursue them here!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Leverage Specialized Extracurriculars in Emerging Fields for College

Extracurriculars in emerging fields are a great way to impress colleges, but what opportunities are available? Let's discuss what you can do to stand out.

Freelance Writer

Is Attending a Virtual Academic Summer Camp a Good Option?

Virtual academic camps exploded in popularity after the pandemic, but is it the right path for you and your academic goals? This expert has some advice.

College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

Frustrated by FAFSA Delays? Focus on the Scholarship Search

The FAFSA may be delayed, but scholarship applications aren’t! Here's why you should be searching and applying for scholarships more than ever this year.

President and Co-founder, National Society of High School Scholars

7 Exciting Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday as a Student

Your birthday is the perfect chance to do something out of the ordinary! Check out these fun ideas to celebrate your special day in high school or college.


Scholarship Saturday: February 2024

Looking for free money to pay for college? Check out this month's round-up of featured awards for Scholarship Saturday!


Making Time for Things You Love: How to Mix Schoolwork With Your Passions

Blending your interests with your schoolwork makes life as a student a lot more enjoyable! Here’s how to mix some fun into all your responsibilities.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Special Appreciation for You During National School Counseling Week 2024

National School Counseling Week is a good time to show counselors some much-deserved appreciation. These grateful students agree—see what they have to say!


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